CCM, is the art of controlling and holding.
The opponent is controlled and every movement has an effect on the joints, tendons, ligaments and conches of the opponent.
In the QIAN LONG SYSTEM, this art was further developed into a complex combat system.
Not only lever techniques are learned, but always combined with punches and kicks.
Bei QLS Basel ist Boxen ein essenzieller Bestandteil unseres OCM Moduls (Open Combat Modul).
Das OCM Modul integriert verschiedene Kampfkünste zu einem umfassenden Trainingssystem, und Boxen bildet die Grundlage für viele der Schlagtechniken.
Boxen bringt Präzision, Kraft und taktisches Denken in das Training ein, was sowohl im sportlichen Kontext als auch in der Selbstverteidigung von unschätzbarem Wert ist.
Der Fokus liegt auf der Entwicklung kraftvoller Schlagtechniken, der Verbesserung der Reaktionsfähigkeit und der Umsetzung von Taktiken im Ring oder in Selbstverteidigungssituationen.
Im Training lernst du:
Effektive Schlagtechniken mit den Fäusten
Strategisches Boxen, inklusive Ausweich- und Blocktechniken
Beinarbeit und Beweglichkeit, um Angriffen auszuweichen und eigene Angriffe vorzubereiten
Aufbau von Ausdauer, Schnelligkeit und Präzision
Mentale Stärke und das Verständnis von Taktiken und Strategien im Kampf
How is the training in the QLS??
In the QLS, training is conducted in an integrated manner.
In our martial arts system, the three combat modules - OCM (Open Combat Module), CCM (Close Combat Module), and GCM (Ground Combat Module) - are not simply offered separately during training.
Instead, they are trained together during lessons to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Seamless transitions between the OCM, CCM, and GCM areas are also emphasized. This helps fighters develop a comprehensive understanding of various combat situations and learn to adapt flexibly. By combining techniques and principles from all modules, fighters acquire a broad spectrum of skills, enabling them to operate successfully in different combat scenarios.
This holistic approach ensures that martial artists possess a versatile repertoire of techniques and strategies. They learn to leverage the strengths of each module and interconnect them to be effective in every combat situation. Through the integrated training of the OCM, CCM, and GCM modules, participants' martial experience and skills are elevated to a new professional level.
QLS Concept
All areas of the combat will be combined with each other. The techniques are based on self-defense, Distance-, Close and Grappling Combat.
Personal Training Bonus for Abo Members.
Real and effective self-defence according to the unique Qian Long System.
Fitness, endurance and strength are individually adjusted for you, whether intensive or just to switch off, you set your pace.
Flexible training times. You have the choice in one week to flexibly change up to 4 lessons without having to announce them. Just come when you have time.
Enjoy training. The Qian Long School attaches great importance to harmonious training and interaction with fellow human beings.
Simply register and try it out: